Common Collector Amplifier

Common Collector Amplifier: BJT amplifiers are still widely used in modern electronic circuitry. This article focuses on practical variations of the common-collector or emitter-follower amplifier...

“Bipolar Basics” – Part 2

The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) triggered the revolution in modern solid-state electronics in the 1960’s. Although the discrete small-signal BJT has since yielded to the...

“Bipolar Basics” – Part 1

Along with the solid-state diode, the point-contact transistor–invented in 1947 at Bell Labs–started the semiconductor revolution and has gone on the become one of the...

History of the Transistor

Dr. John Bardeen(left), Dr. Walter Brattain(right), and Dr. William Shockley(center) discovered the transistor effect and developed the first device in December, 1947, while the three...

Voltage Rating of a Capacitor

All capacitors have a maximum voltage rating and when selecting a capacitor consideration must be given to the amount of voltage to be applied across...

Bipolar Transistor

Bipolar Transistor Basics In the Diode tutorials we saw that simple diodes are made up from two pieces of semiconductor material, either silicon or germanium...

8. Behavioral Modeling: Sequential Statements

  As discussed earlier, VHDL provides means to represent digital circuits at different levels of representation of abstraction, such as the behavioral and structural modeling....
Active Components
All About Transistors: FET’s
It may seem hard to believe, but it was not too long ago that bipolar transistors began to replace vacuum tubes in mainstream electronics design....
Working with MosFet’s
The Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor, or MOSFET for short, is similar in many ways to the junction FET (JFET). Both are voltage-driven unipolar devices that depend...
Field Effect Transistors
Field Effect Transistors (FET’s): Field Effect Transistors (FET’s) are unipolar rather than bipolar devices, and this gives them certain properties that are superior to those...
Transistor Amplifier Design
We were having trouble finding an exact replacement transistor while repairing a piece of equipment. Figuring that an exact replacement was going to be impossible...
Pasive Components
What do resistors do? Resistors limit current. In a typical application, a resistor is connected in series with an LED: Enough current flows to make...
Voltage Rating of a Capacitor
All capacitors have a maximum voltage rating and when selecting a capacitor consideration must be given to the amount of voltage to be applied across...

October 2024
